v2.0 Released & BACK ON ITCH.IO!

V2.0 Released!

Hello and happy Early Halloween!

I'm very happy to announce version 2.0 of CEASE TO BREATHE!

What's changed? Well, I'll tell you!

  • Spelling and Grammar fixes! During my late night programming sessions, I misspelled just about every word you could think of! SO, I went back and fixed everything I could find! If you encounter any others, PLEASE let me know!
  • Fixed the text to actually be readable! This was a huge complaint, and I'm hoping the changes I made will help you to actually enjoy the game vs. trying to decipher the sprite fonts, lol.
  • Numerous small bugs fixed, such as doors being opened when they are closed, etc.
  • New Steam capsules and graphics! For added spiffiness!
  • A new studio name! It's still just me, but I always loved the name Scribed Skull. So now I am Scribed Skull Studios. B-A-M!

With that said, it might not seem like much, but it should be a big improvement from what it was.

ALSO, I now have a Patreon, so check that out for all the latest news about Scribed Skull Studios! You don't have to be a paid member either, you can just lurk, I'm cool with them!

Check out my Discord as well! This invite code will keep changing, so you can always reach out to me on the forums if this doesn't work for you!

Thanks for the awesomeness and talk with you all soon!


Cease-To-Breathe_v2.0.zip 158 MB
4 hours ago

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